Giorgio Matteoli Conducts Latina Conservatory Dept. Chorus and orchestra at “Rome Goes Baroque” and Latina “Early Music Festival”
It Has been held in October 2002 the 4th edition of “Rome Goes Baroque” Early Music Festival and the Latina Early Music Festival. Giorgio Matteoli has conducted the Chorus and orchestra composed by students, ex students anche teachers od the Early Music Department of “Ottorino Respighi” Latina Conservatory where Matteoli Teaches Baroque cello, recorder, Chamber and Madrigal Ensemble. The concert in Rome took place in the marvelous ancient Church of “S. Giorgio al Velabro”. The music program was base on the enchanting funeral music by Bach and Telemann plus two solo cantatas with orchestra by Bach. Raffaella Milanesi (soprano) and Antonello Dorigo (alto) were the soloists.